Thursday, October 07, 2004

Checklist of my "life" this semester

I've been busy since last week with tons of projects, assignments and midterms. At least all my midterms have finished, now focusing on projects. I think I need to make a checklist. I'm confused becoz there're just sooo many projects.

1. CS4260 - case study, pair of two (finished)
2. CS4260 - Creative Technology 25 pages (draft finished, interview to go, and final proj due 20 Oct, final presentation on 27 oct or 3nov)
3. CS4260 - Streamline Inc. presentation (on 13 Oct)
4. Midterm + Quiz 1 Finance (finished)
5. Midterm Chinese 3 (finished)
6. Midterm CS3235 (finished)
7. Quiz 2 Finance (hm... I forgot, should be in week something)
8. CS3235 Comp Security project (assgnmt 1 paper finished, assgnmt 2 programming due on Nov)
9. JS2225 Marketing in Japan project 6000 words (haven't started, oh no!!! due beg. of Nov)
10. Chinese 3 short speech exam (either 27 oct or 3 nov)

This semester is the busiest sem I've ever had so far. Even my weekends, Saturday and Sunday are spent for ECA, project meetings or project research. But this Saturday is supposed to be the last session of NVAC, so next week Saturday hopefully will be free. I think everybody in SoC is also very busy. All of them sleep very late to do their projects. I dunno abt other fac, but sometimes I just feel that SoC students really has no life...


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